Michelle, the 40 Days for Life leader in Montgomery, said prayer volunteers witnessed two saves on one day. One of them did not come easily.
?This had to be the hardest fight I think I had fought here,? a sidewalk counselor said. ?This young woman kept going in and out as her boyfriend tried to stop her, only to end up crying at the side of his car. You don't see many dads this brave at this place.?
Eventually, the woman walked out to the car where her boyfriend was crying. ?Facing each other,? Michelle said, ?he gently reached for her hands.?
As they talked quietly with the counselors, a man whose child was being aborted inside the building angrily approached the couple and insisted that she go through with the abortion.
?We have no idea why he was interfering and so adamant,? Michelle said. ?All we know is that when the sidewalk counselor said ?in the name of Jesus, get away,? he fled immediately.? Finally, the couple drove away. They did not have the abortion.
?Continue to pray for this new family,? Michelle said, that they may ?love their baby ? and be not afraid.?
March 30, 2015
Montgomery, Alabama

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