The Manchester team reports that during this campaign, they know of four lives saved thus far.
John says in one instance, a young mother of four arrived with a friend ? a friend who was against the abortion. The two spoke to a counselor for some time, then entered the building for their appointment.
Later, as they were leaving, the mother said she was keeping her baby. ?She joyfully accepted our gift for the impending arrival,? John said.
There have been other signs that the Manchester campaign is affecting business at the abortion center.
?Towards late evening,? he said, ?a senior member of staff, on her way out of the clinic, told us to ?remove THAT box ? it?s OFFENSIVE!?? She said if ?that box? was there again the next day, she would call the police.
?That box? held a model of a baby at 18 weeks? gestation.
October 5, 2015
Manchester, England

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