There are many who would be surprised by the amount of supportive responses our sidewalk counselors and prayer volunteers receive from those driving by.
We see as many if not more positive honks and thumbs-up signs, mouthed "thank yous" and friendly waves, as we do angered shouts or middle fingers.
However, a few of our interns and volunteers were met with the hateful shouts of a few young women who drove by, throwing a cupcake out the window towards our 40 Days for Life sign as they passed.
Though the cupcake hit our sign, the hatred and anger of these young women did not hit the hearts of our staff and volunteers, who reacted with only absolute humility and love ?
And so, like the fearless men and women who stood on the sidewalk today and received hurtful words with kind smiles and humble prayer, we too seek to bring hope where there is despair, joy where there is sadness, and compassion where there is woundedness.
Please join me in prayer on the sidewalk as we bear the light of Christ to the darkest parts of our community.
From Brian Westbrook, the 40 Days for Life director in St. Louis.
October 25, 2015
St. Louis, Missouri

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