In just two weeks, 40 Days for Life will kick off in 273 cities in 23 countries ? with new locations, including Glasgow, Scotland and Hong Kong!
From February 10 through March 20 ... 40-day campaigns of prayer and fasting, community outreach, and peaceful vigil will help save lives and change hearts at the local level.
And you're invited! Find the 40 Days for Life campaign closest to you.
We have seen God save babies from abortion, change the hearts of those working in the abortion business, help those who have had an abortion find hope and healing ? and close abortion centers.
One thing we have learned is that participating in a 40 Days for Life campaign can be hard ... but it?s worth it.
Today we have a special message to encourage you ? from Jill Stanek, someone who followed her conscience, courageously stood up for life ... and stood up to those in high-power medical and government positions.
Jill's powerful story and her message to YOU is the feature of the newest 40 Days for Life podcast. Download, be inspired ? and share this podcast:
This will be the largest 40 Days for Life ever held during this time of the year, and it promises to be an exciting (although cold in many locations) campaign.
Look for your nearest location, click on that city's name ? and then sign up to join hundreds of thousands of people to pray for an end to abortion where you live:
I'm inviting you to join this journey ... and together, let's look forward to the blessings God has in store!
January 26, 2016
273 cities in 23 countries -- find yours!

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