In the last week of the 40 Days for Life campaign, a woman changed her mind ? without ever speaking to anyone ... simply because she saw the 40 Days for Life signs and people praying prayerfully!

Mary, the local 40 Days for Life coordinator, said this young woman had planned to schedule an abortion. But the mere presence of the prayerful vigil made her realize that abortion was wrong, and that she needed to value the precious life inside her.

Other prayer volunteers learned that she had visited the local pregnancy help center, where she was offered an ultrasound and support.

"This story is especially good news," Mary said, "because this woman had not spoken to a prayer participant or a counselor on the sidewalk. Instead, God used our humble, silent witness to save two lives from pain ? the mother?s and her child?s. You never know the good your little, quiet, loving prayers can do!"


40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods.