This is the first 40 Days for Life vigil in Krizevci ? one of 22 Croatian cities participating.
The Krizevci team got a bit of media attention at the start of the campaign.
?We are handing out leaflets about the initiative,? one of the volunteers told the reporter, ?and talking with all interested parties on the crisis of abortion, we emphasize all the problems that abortion can create.?
The daily vigil takes place outside the Krizevci Health Centre from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. ?In just the first two days, we were approached by women who openly testified that the abortion leaves wounds that a mother feels even years afterward.?
In addition to praying for an end to abortion, the Krizevci volunteers are also praying that God heals wounds and mothers fathers who have agreed to abortion and for the conversion of medical personnel who advocate and carry out abortions.
October 1, 2016
Krizevci, Croatia

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