Last week, we closed applications for leading the 40 Days for Life campaigns that will take place between March 1 and April 9.
We are excited to announce that we will have the largest spring campaign yet! Thank you!
Of course, relatively few people are called to lead campaigns -- it is hard work and takes a lot of time and sacrifice. But without the 725,000 prayer warriors and supporters like you who've responded to the leaders' call to get involved, this effort would not be possible.
In 2017, 40 Days for Life will turn 10 years old! It was in 2007 that we launched this campaign nationally -- and then internationally. We had no idea how God would use you, but He did -- and through your prayers and peaceful witness, He has accomplished these victories:
- 12,668 lives were saved from abortion
- 141 abortion workers experenced conversions and quit their jobs
- 75 abortion facilities closed after 40 Days for Life vigils
We will hit the ground running in 2017 ... and you're invited to join us and our special guests, leaders from across the pro-life movement, for our free ROADMAP 2017 webcast on January 12.
Register for this free event!

Over the next few weeks, we will train hundreds of local leaders and map out aggressive travel plans. As we gear up for a busy 2017, please consider a year-end tax-deductible gift to save more lives from abortion and close more abortion facilities in 2017. Every gift helps!
You may contribute online.
Thank you for your prayers and support in 2016 ... and may God bless you and your family as we prepare to enter 2017.
Happy New Year!