When Gilberto handed flyers with information about life-affirming options to a young woman outside the abortion center in Bogota?s Teusaquillo section, he had no idea what God was about to do.
He just did his part ? and relied on the Lord to do the rest.
The young woman entered the building, sat down ? and started to read the flyers that Gilberto had given her. It didn?t take her long to realize that this was not where she was supposed to be, so she picked up her belongings and walked out.
On the sidewalk outside, the 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers directed her to a nearby pregnancy help center, where she could get good advice and support for herself and her baby. The vigil participants were fairly confident that she would choose life.
Later that day, the pregnancy help center?s director visited the vigil site with the good news that the young woman would be keeping her babies.
That?s right ? babies. She was pregnant with twins!
?Thus ended the day with a double celebration,? said one of the Teusaquilla volunteers, ?and thanksgiving for the precious lives that were preserved from abortion through the prayerful and peaceful presence in those places where the message of God's love is most needed.?
March 13, 2017
Bogota, Colombia

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