"Prayer works!" said Eileen in Raleigh. And keep praying, because Saturdays are usually one of the busiest days of the week at the abortion facility there.
However, she said, this past Saturday was slow. "One car drove up and then drove off. Then another couple went into the clinic and came back out!"
Mothers having second thoughts? The Raleigh volunteers don't know for sure ? but they're certainly hoping and praying that is the case.
"Remember that 40 Days for life is occurring all over the world," Eileen said, "so every second of every minute of every hour of every day, there are hundreds, sometimes thousands of prayer warriors out there calling on God's grace and mercy to change hearts and minds.
"While you or I may not think being there is making a difference," she added, "God never lets prayer go to waste!"
October 7, 2017
Raleigh, North Carolina

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