Thank God that America is a nation where we have the freedom to save lives from abortion and offer hope to women.
Tomorrow, Americans celebrate our freedom, and it comes at a great moment in the pro-life movement as we use our free speech to end abortion at the local level.
Last month, the United States Supreme Court issued two MAJOR rulings protecting that right to free speech. And those decisions weren't even the biggest news to come from the High Court! The big news was the announcement of Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement.
On this week's edition of the 40 Days for Life Podcast, we discuss how the newfound vacancy at the Supreme Court provides the best opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade in decades.
Years of sacrifice from pro-lifers like you, working at the local level, are now bearing fruit at the highest levels of government.
This is not the time to slow down, so listen to our breakdown of the Supreme Court vacancy and the impact of 40 Days for Life on the abortion industry in this new podcast.
The 4th of July is a great occasion to remember we are privileged to be able to stand up for life. Not every country's citizens enjoy the freedom to save lives on the sidewalks in front of local abortion facilities.
But in America, we do. This Independence Day, celebrate your freedom; listen to this week's podcast; and then go out and use your freedom to help end abortion where you live.
July 3, 2018
Freedom from abortion

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