Today, Unplanned hits more than ONE THOUSAND screens across the United States. If you haven't bought tickets yet, it is time! Get yours NOW:
This film is a generational opportunity to change hearts and minds. Last week, I spoke with Glenn Beck about Unplanned, 40 Days for Life, and why peaceful prayer holds the key to ending abortion at the local level.
If you didn't catch the interview last week, check it out in the player above or click here:
And then get fired up by watching the trailer, which hit number one on iTunes earlier this year:

To watch the video, click the image or visit:?
This weekend is key. Your decision to buy a ticket will determine how long Unplanned stays in theaters, how many hearts are changed, and how many new volunteers hit the sidewalks.
Find your theater, get your tickets, and bring your friends today!

Marietta, Georgia

Actress Robin DeMarco (second from right), who plays Abby Johnson's mom in Unplanned, spoke at a 40 Days for Life event in Marietta.
"Around 160 incredible souls...came to worship God, pray, and support the fight to shut down the Marietta PP and enjoy sweet fellowship with fellow pro-life warriors," said Suzanne, who co-leads the campaign with her daughter Rachel (far right).
Suzanne said one of her prayer warriors was able to pray with and redirect an abortion-minded couple to the local pregnancy center.
Abortion Workers
"I'm going to make you happy," said the abortion worker exiting an East Coast Planned Parenthood. "I just quit."
A similar report came in from a West Coast Planned Parenthood. "One of the workers here at Planned Parenthood told me yesterday that after next week, she won't be here any more!" said a member of the local campaign leadership team.
Vigil participants weren't ready to describe either employee's departure as a conversion, but it's always good news when the abortion industry loses a staffer!

Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand. O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name.?-- Nehemiah 1:10-11
We pray for your continued guidance and protection throughout the remainder of this 40-day campaign. May we be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in Your work, knowing that our labor will not be in vain.
See today's full devotional