The State of California should be proud that one of its own--Dr. George Delgado--pioneered Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) to give women who regret taking the abortion pill a second chance at life. Instead, the Golden State is suing Heartbeat International for promoting APR to save babies.

Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey joins us on this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast to discuss the lawsuit as well as:

  • The ridiculous study abortion advocates erroneously use to claim APR is dangerous;
  • Why APR offers hope to victims of coerced abortion;
  • How 40 Days for Life campaigns coincide with more women seeking help at pregnancy help centers. 

Mentioned on this Episode:

Steven Karlen, Campaign Director

Prior to joining the headquarters team, Steve directed several highly-successful 40 Days for Life campaigns in his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. As campaign director, Steve helps local 40 Days for Life leaders build and improve life-saving efforts in their communities.