By signing up for a calendar timeslot, you agree to abide by the statement of peace. You will receive email reminders about your shift. You will also be signed up to follow this campaign, and you may as a result receive email updates. You can unsubscribe at any time.

By signing up to participate in the vigil, you agree to abide by this Statement of Peace:

  • I will pursue only peaceful, prayerful and lawful solutions to the violence of abortion by supporting life from natural conception to natural death
  • I will show compassion and reflect Christ’s love to all
  • I will not intentionally cause harm or commit crimes or violence
  • I am in no way, directly or indirectly, associated with any abortion provider including Planned Parenthood

While participating in a 40 Days for Life activity:

  • I will not obstruct or block driveways, sidewalks, roadways or any lawful passage
  • I will not litter, deface, damage or trespass on another’s property
  • I will closely attend to any minors in my care
  • I will not threaten, curse, yell at or verbally abuse anyone
  • I will neither commit any act of violence, threaten or touch any person, nor display or discuss weapons
  • I will be polite and cooperative with law enforcement and valid civil authority
  • If asked to leave by a valid authority, I will comply and contact 40 Days for Life HQ
  • I will not engage in political activities as a representative of a 40 Days for Life Vigil, including:  Advocacy (petitions, fundraising, signs, literature, etc.) related to a particular candidate for elective office

I will strive to maintain the safety of myself and others by:

  • Trying to have at least two vigil participants on site at a time and never being alone after dark
  • Holding vigil in a safe, public and lawful location
  • Immediately calling and cooperating with law enforcement and recording any incident if I feel unsafe or if any act of violence or damage is made or threatened
  • Leaving and calling law enforcement if I feel threatened or endangered

If I am a minor, I will participate in 40 Days for Life only in the presence of or with the written permission of a parent or guardian.