When Ruth Robert signed up to lead her first 40 Days for Life vigil in Halifax, Nova Scotia, she was warned she'd be persecuted.

"What are they going to do?" Ruth asked. "Kill me?"

The question wasn't rhetorical. Ruth grew up in Saudi Arabia, risking her life to practice her Christian faith. The prospect of social ostracization wasn't going to keep her from standing up for unborn children. 

On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen and Ruth Robert discuss:

  • The fortitude required to live out the Christian faith amidst the threat of violent persecution
  • How she experienced the culture shock of returning to the West where Christians can live out their faith...but choose not to
  • How God led Ruth to take on a successful 40 Days for Life campaign in a thoroughly secular city

Steven Karlen, Campaign Director

Prior to joining the headquarters team, Steve directed several highly-successful 40 Days for Life campaigns in his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. As campaign director, Steve helps local 40 Days for Life leaders build and improve life-saving efforts in their communities.