A little trouble with a rock, a muffler and a tailpipe is not enough to stop the UNITED tour! After $1,030 in repairs, the UNITED bus will be back on the road.

It's not uncommon to have a heckler ask 40 Days for Life volunteers "How many unwanted babies have you adopted?" It's not a serious argument, but in York, Pennsylvania, we met an expectant mother who had saved three babies by offering to adopt them.

Ultimately, all three mothers chose to parent their children, but our faithful volunteer continues to support them. After our visit, she left to bring baby supplies and gifts to one of the families that chose life in York. Our vigil team even rents a house across the street from Planned Parenthood to have a base for supporting expectant mothers going through challenging pregnancies.

We pressed on in our backup van ? and headed to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where Maggie from Silent No More offered her testimony and shared how her story helped save another mother from making the same mistake.

We next arrived Pittsburgh, where more than 100 turned out at rush hour for our western Pennsylvania rally. In this UNITED 40 Days for Life campaign, we have experienced great Christian unity. This event's speakers included clergy from several different Christian faith communities.

As the sun set, we said goodbye to this beautiful city ? and now it?s on to West Virginia.

Steven Karlen, Campaign Director

Prior to joining the headquarters team, Steve directed several highly-successful 40 Days for Life campaigns in his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. As campaign director, Steve helps local 40 Days for Life leaders build and improve life-saving efforts in their communities.