Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3

Worcester Campaign

Worcester, MA
sign up for vigil hours
Fall 2024 | Sept 25 - Nov 3 Map
Vigil Location

Planned Parenthood
470 Pleasant St. Worcester, MA

Get directions

THIS FALL'S 40 DFL CAMPAIGN IS THE LARGEST EVER, taking place in 703 cities around the world.

OUR FALL 2024 CAMPAIGN EMAIL WILL BE SENT OUT IN MID-SEPTEMBER.  If you do not receive this email, please let us know so we can update our mailing list!

Scroll down to see our EVENTS.  (They will be posted as they are scheduled.)


When praying on the sidewalk, be sure not to block any foot traffic or entrance to Planned Parenthood.

PARKING is available at Blessed Sacrament Parish at 555 Pleasant St. and on Hudson and Dewey Streets.  For those with limited mobility, the parking closest to the vigil site is at the corner of Pleasant and Hudson Streets.  DO NOT park in the lot of the medical building at 475 Pleasant St. or your car may be towed.  Please DO NOT park in the Problem Pregnancy lot during their business hours: M, Tu, W: 10-4, F: 9-noon.

The closest public RESTROOM FACILITIES are at Dunkin' Donuts, 211 Chandler St. (on the corner of Mason and Chandler), about a block and a half from the vigil site, and at the Gulf gas station at the corner of Park and Pleasant (which you can see from the vigil site).

IF YOU NEED A PRAYER PARTNER FOR YOUR VIGIL TIME, please contact us, and we will try to match you up with someone.

CRISIS PREGNANCY?  Call Problem Pregnancy (508-507-8378) or Clearway Clinic (508-438-0144) in Worcester, First Concern (978-365-9817) in Marlboro & Clinton, or CareNet (978-342-4244) in Fitchburg for free help and support.

HURTING FROM PAST ABORTION?  Call or text Kathy at Silent No More/Surrendering the Secret (508-397-7280) to find out about healing resources.

BABY SAFE HAVEN:  Drop off a newborn you are unable to care for at any hospital, police station, or manned fire station in Massachusetts.  Or call 1-877-796-HOPE (4673) or 1-888-510-BABY (2229) for support.

Local events
Patriotic Rosary

Wednesday, October 16th

We will pray the Patriotic Rosary and the Chaplet of the Holy Face of Jesus.

Address: across from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant Street Worcester, MA 01609, US

Time: 6:00 PM

Rosary with Bishop McManus

Thursday, October 17th

Bishop McManus will lead us in the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Afterward, the Brothers, Sisters, and students from the Immaculate Heart of Mary School will lead us in the Latin Rosary.

Address: across from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant Street Worcester, MA 01609, US

Time: 11:00 AM

Patriotic Rosary

Wednesday, October 23rd

We will pray the Patriotic Rosary and the Chaplet of the Holy Face of Jesus.

Address: across from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant Street Worcester, MA 01609, US

Time: 6:00 PM

Patriotic Rosary

Wednesday, October 30th

We will pray the Patriotic Rosary and the Chaplet of the Holy Face of Jesus.

Address: across from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant Street Worcester, MA 01609, US

Time: 6:00 PM

Day 40 Rosary

Sunday, November 3rd

We will begin with the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet on the sidewalk and then have Adoration in the Problem Pregnancy Chapel.

Address: across from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant Street Worcester, Massachusetts 01609, US

Time: 3:00 PM

Leader Contact Info


(508) 320-2965


Send A message


Statement of Peace

Prayer Resources in Spanish

Tri-fold Brochure in Spanish

Massachusetts' Baby Safe Haven information

Be a part of the  local campaign